Character from the Resident Evil franchise. Originally one of the test subjects in Project W who specialised in biotechnology and bioengineering, Wesker was an elite perfectionist individual of absolute coldness, always wearing deep-black sunglasses that gave him an even more unapproachable air. As a senior researcher linked to the t-Virus Project as early as 1978, he bore witness to and at times shaped Umbrella's B.O.W. research. He officially left the company soon after a stall in the Tyrant Project and began work as a spy, leading to a career in the United States Army and eventually with S.T.A.R.S. as its Captain.
To answer a technical aspect of a video game (proximity), this music is constituted of 3 distincts intensities : Far / Close / Chasing.
A man that decided to be a god. Sound design on brass section to illustrate his threatening potential and his temperament. Synthesizers for the Bioweapon energy he represents, and big drums for his thirst of power. Hat down for a big villain.